Full Name Khadeeja Nugraha
DOB 21 Sept 2004; 3.02 pm AEST
Sex Female
Weight 3.280 kg
Height 49.5 cm
Hospital North Gosford Private Hospital
Doctor Dr M. Catt
Midwives Annette, Annie

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Khadeeja was supposed to be due on 15 September 2004.

As the date passed by, there was still no sign of labour, just false contractions.

Dr Catt decided to put me into induction on September 20, 2004...

Click here to read more *without too much gory details...hehe...*


Click the week below to

3rd Trimester
Week 36-40
Week 32-35
Week 28-31

2nd Trimester
Week 24-27
Week 21-23
Week 18-20
Week 14-17

1st Trimester
Week 9-13
Week 5-8
Week 0-4


L: 4 days old
R: 10 months old

Statistic 5 October 2004: H=50 cm, W=3380 grams
26 October 2004: H=53 cm, W=4000 grams
17 November 2004: H=55 cm, W=4850 grams
17 December 2004: H=58 cm, W=5680 grams
3 January 2005: H=60 cm, W=6240 grams
25 January 2005: H=61 cm, W=6700 grams
5 March 2005: H=62 cm, W=7250 grams
12 May 2005: H=66 cm, W=7500 grams
13 July 2005: H=68 cm, W=7800 grams
9 August 2005: H=69 cm, W=8060 grams
13 September 2005: H=71.7 cm, W=8380 grams
11 October 2005: H=72 cm, W=8600 grams
05 November 2005: H=74 cm, W=9000 grams
04 December 2005: H=74 cm, W=9400 grams
26 January 2006: H=75 cm, W=10100 grams
7 July 2006: H=80 cm, W=11600 grams
3 February 2007: H=- cm, W=13450 grams
APGAR Score Minute 1: 9/10
Minute 5: 10/10
Potong kuku pertama 22 September 2004 (1 day old)
Mandi pertama 23 September 2004 (2 days old)
Aqiqah 2 October 2004
Tali pusar putus 2 October 2004 malem
Dibotakin 29 November 2004
Brenti nenen 19 February 2007 (almost 2.5 years old)
Pergi jauh pertama kali 10 October 2004
She was 20 days old
Destination: Erina Fair Shopping Centre
Pergi ke luar kota pertama kali 17 October 2004
Deeja was 3.5 weeks old
Destination: Canberra (350 kms)
Pertama kali naek kreta 23 November 2004
Gosford-Sydney: 1.5 hours
Pergi ke luar negeri pertama kali 30 January 2005
Deeja was 4 months old
Destination: Indonesia
Pergi perjalanan darat terjauh 1-5 May 2006
Deeja was 19 months old
Destination: Brisbane (QLD) - 950 kms
By car, in total of 12 hours
Pertama ketemu snow 28 July 2007 (34 months & 1 week)
Venue: Perisher Blue, Snowy Mountains, NSW


Please read from bottom up...
The milestones are listed from most recent!

l 1-12 MONTHS OLD l 13-24 MONTHS OLD l 25-36 MONTHS OLD l 37-48 MONTHS OLD l


month 49


Potong poni (ke-29 kali) di salon Mommy Atli 26 September 2008 (48 months 5 days)






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